Title: The Bane Chronicles
Author:Cassandra Clare
This book was about a guy named Magnus Bane who isn't just a guy, he's the high warlock of Brooklyn. His job is to protect Mundanes - regular non-faerie, non-vampire, non-werewolf, non-downworlder (you get the point! - basically regular everyday people) from the wrath of any magic, vampires, werewolves, warlocks, etc. . . .and let them see whatever their minds can handle. So basically Magnus goes around helping others basically Mundanes and downworlders. There are also shadowhunters who help protect Mundanes and downworlders by killing off demons and sending them back down to the abyss where they belong. Eventually Magnus who had given up searching for love found a lover who is a just barely of age shadowhunter and they both fall head-over-heels in love with each other. His nemesis is Alexander Lightwood, Alec for short. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I love adventure and action and the Bane characters and all of Cassandra Clare's books have appealed to me always they are just the type of books I look for and ones that I look forward to reading.
Fiction; rated 5 out of 5.
Reviewed by Renee Codella
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