Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Return to the Isle of the Lost

Title: Return to the Isle of the Lost
Author: Melissa de la Cruz

     This book is a sequel to The Isle of the Lost. In the previous book, four children whose parents are villains were sent to Aurodon, the land of the good characters. They defeated Maleficent and finally began adjusting to the life of being good. Now as they live their happy lives, they are all given threats that if they do not return to the Isle of the Lost something bad will happen. They become worried that their parents are up to no good again. They team up to try to solve the mysterious notes and discover more than they imagined.
     I love Melissa de la Cruz's creative thinking. She really expands the classic fairytales into one amazing world. I am excited to read future books and watch the upcoming movies.

Fiction; rated 3.5 out of 5.
Reviewed by Cassie Faber

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